Monday, June 10, 2013

                                         Cois Farraige


        Our Trip to the Point 

 On Friday, June 7th we all went on a Nature Walk
to the Point to visit the sea-shore. At half past one (1:30 p.m.) the sun was shining high in the sky.
We were divided into four groups. Each group had to look out for different things as we made our way to the sea shore.

We were looking out for:
- flowers
- trees
- wildlife ~ butterflies, insects, ...
- sea life
 The flowers we saw were buttercups, daisies and dandelions. We saw lots of nettles and dock leaves. We also learned how to whistle through a blade of grass.
We re-visited the sycamore, the ash, the horse chestnut. We still have to find out the name of a new tree on the pathway to the point.
Abbey was really brave because she found lots and lots of common crabs. She put some in a container to bring back to class. Alas, they did not survive. It is not a good thing to remove wildlife from their natural habitat.

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