Monday, June 10, 2013

                                         Cois Farraige


        Our Trip to the Point 

 On Friday, June 7th we all went on a Nature Walk
to the Point to visit the sea-shore. At half past one (1:30 p.m.) the sun was shining high in the sky.
We were divided into four groups. Each group had to look out for different things as we made our way to the sea shore.

We were looking out for:
- flowers
- trees
- wildlife ~ butterflies, insects, ...
- sea life
 The flowers we saw were buttercups, daisies and dandelions. We saw lots of nettles and dock leaves. We also learned how to whistle through a blade of grass.
We re-visited the sycamore, the ash, the horse chestnut. We still have to find out the name of a new tree on the pathway to the point.
Abbey was really brave because she found lots and lots of common crabs. She put some in a container to bring back to class. Alas, they did not survive. It is not a good thing to remove wildlife from their natural habitat.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

                                          County Galway

* Galway is the largest county in Connaught.
* Galway City is situated at the mouth of Galway Bay.
* The Claddagh was once a fishing village of thatched 
   cottages but is now an area just outside the city centre. It
   is famous because of the 'Claddagh Ring'

Mountains in County Galway are

Rivers in County Galway are
  River Corrib / River Suck / River Shannon

Lakes in County Galway are
  Lough Corrib / Lough Mask

Eyre Square Galway

Húrá!  Ta an Samhradh linn.

Bhí lá saoire againn inné agus bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh.
Ní raibh scamall sa spéir.  4/6/2013

Airport Runway On A Sunny Day Stock Photography - Image: 8235582

Magic of Music                       5/6/2013

Today we had music with Matthew. The whole class went to the halla for our lesson.
We were using basketballs and our bodies to make music.
Matthew was teaching us how to make rhythms with the ball and our bodies.
We learned about Granny Semibreve, Mr. Minim, Ms. Crotchet and Miss Quaver.
Everybody loved the lesson.

Matthew directing the rhythm

The trio and their stomp group

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Counties of Ireland

3rd and 4th class will celebrate Catholic School's Week with all our school from Monday, January 27th to Friday, February 1st. We will learn about St. Brigid and we will make Brigid's crosses to present to our grandparents at mass on St. Brigid's Day. 

St. Brigid

St. Brigid is known as Muire na nGael (mother of the Irish). She was born in Faughart, near Dundalk in Co. Louth, about the year 454 A.D. From the time she was a little girl, Brigid was very generous and kind to people who were poor, because she understood that God has a special love for them. In this story, we hear about how Brigid gave away the only thing she had to a woman who needed it. 

Like all saints, Brigid was a very good and kind person. She was especially kind and good to poor people because she understood that God has a special love for them too. One day an old woman heard about Brigid. She went to Brigid’s house. Brigid was making butter in her churn. But she did not have very much milk – only enough to make one small pat of butter. As Brigid was working away, the old woman knocked on the door. She was very poor and very hungry. ‘Oh dear, oh dear. What am I to do!’ she whined. ‘I have not eaten these three days. I cannot go one step further unless I get something to eat.’

Brigid was very sorry for the old woman. She looked all around to see what she could give her, but all she had was one small pat of butter. ‘We haven’t even enough butter here for ourselves,’ she said looking at the little pat, ‘but this old woman is much more hungry than we are. She must have our butter.’ And Brigid gave it to her

When the old woman saw what Brigid did, she realised that Brigid must be a very special person indeed and that God must be very close to her. Brigid often gave away food to those who were poor and hungry. The people loved Brigid for her kindness.

This week we will ....... Sing a Song to Brigid

We sing a song to Brigid, 
Brigid brings the spring
Awakens all the fields and the flowers
And calls the birds to sing.

All were welcome at her door, 
no one was turned away.
She loved the poor, the sick and the sore,
She helped them on their way.

She laid her cloak out on the ground
And watched it grow and grow,
In wells and streams and fields of green
St. Brigid’s blessings flow.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tin Whistle

We have started learning Tin Whistle in 3rd and 4th class this year.
Our first tune for October is Níl 'na Lá.
Here are the notes because we will practice at home.

Practice makes perfect.
Cleachtadh a dhéanann máistreacht.

D  F  A  A  B  C  D'                                               

D  F  A  F  G  F  FE

D  F  A  A  B  C  D'

D  F  A  F  E  F  E  D.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fáilte ar ais

Welcome to our 3rd & 4th class blog.

Autumn Clean Up
The boys and girls of 3rd and 4th class took part in our Autumn Clean Up on Friday, September 14th 2012.
We were all the rubbish detectives rooting out papers, cans and all types of unusual debris in the Corrib Drive, Carragh Park, Slaney Park and Fergus Road area.
It was a really interesting afternoon as we saw lots of Biodiversity around us. We are learning about the Biodiversity that is in our local environment.

Under broken planks of wood we saw woodlouse creeping away from the light. A piece of discarded carpet became a habitat for a cluster of yellowy creamy eggs. We still have to find out what the eggs would hatch into. As we passed Ella's grandparent's garden we saw beautiful, colourful flowers that provided nectar and food for the busy bees. All around us flew busy swallows as they were preparing for the long flight to warmer countries like Africa and Spain.

Our rubbish was collected and sorted into yellow bags for the cans, green bags for general waste and blue bags for plastic bottles and containers. By 2:15 we had collected at least ten full bags of rubbish. We hope that Drumgeely is a whole lot cleaner after our work. We love to keep our school and local area clean and green.